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To my wife Merry who worked tirelessly for decades so I could write this book, Eileen and Sue-Lynn who were my witnesses to Combe's teachings, their husbands Frank Sauer and David Hinson who helped with the latest authoring technologies, thank you, from my heart and the world.
致我妻子 她几十年来孜孜不倦地工作,所以我可以写这本书, Combe教学的见证人Eileen和Sue-Lynn, 他们的丈夫Frank Sauer和David Hinson 帮助使用最新的创作技术, 衷心感谢您和全世界。
The material of Chapter One originated from my notes on how the late Mlle. Yvonne Combe taught our daughters. Combe was Debussy's disciple and helped transcribe his new compositions as he played them out on the piano. She performed that incredible Second Piano Concerto by Saint-Saëns with the composer conducting. She dedicated her life to teaching piano and all who attended recitals by her students were mesmerized. This book had to be written: without it, her passing would have deprived us of a priceless art.
第一章的内容源自我关于教我们的女儿的已故的Mlle. Yvonne Combe的注释。Combe是追随Debussy的助手,并在他弹奏钢琴时帮助标注他的新作品。 在作曲家的指挥下,她演奏Saint-Saëns的第二钢琴协奏曲有着令人难以置信的精彩。 她毕生致力于钢琴教学,所有参加她的学生独奏会的人都为之着迷。 这本书必须写下来——否则,她的离世会带走无价的艺术。
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