
(82) References




Banowetz, Joseph, The Pianist's Guide to Pedaling, Indiana University Press; First Edition (April 1, 1985).

Beginner books, Humphries; Beyer ; Faber Piano Adventures.


Bernard, Jonathan W., Space and Symmetry in Bartok, Journal of Music Theory 30,

no. 2 (Fall, 1986): P.185-200

Bertrand, Ott, Liszt et la Pedagogie du Piano, Collection Psychology et Pedagogie de la Musique, (1978) E. A. P. France.

Lisztian Keyboard Energy: An Essay on the Pianism of Franz Liszt : Liszt Et LA Pedagogie Du Piano, Hardcover – September 1, 1992.

Beyer ,http://imslp.org/wiki/Vorschule_im_Klavierspiel,_Op.101_(Beyer,_Ferdinand).

Boissier, August, and Goodchild, Neil J., (Boissier) A Diary of Franz Liszt as Teacher 1831-32, translated by Elyse Mach.

(Goodchild) Liszt's Technical Studies: A Methodology for the Attainment of Pianistic Virtuosity. Pianistic virtuosity via six principles illustrated by exercises; no useful information on how to practice.

Brandt, Anthony, How Music Makes Sense, http://cnx.org/contents/ ae269fb8-8bf2-4884-8fc8-18c4ed1c66ff@22/How_Music_Makes_Sense .

Chapman, Brian, Ludwig Van Beethoven, Moonlight Sonata, and in Beethoven, Sonatas for the Piano. http://www.qedinteractive.com.au/html/jbc/bethvint.htm .

Csikszentmihalyi, Mihaly, Flow: The Psychology of Optimal Experience, 2008, Harper Perennial Classics.

Easy Bach, First Lessons in Bach - Book 1: Piano Solo: Walter Carroll, Bach -- Selections from Anna Magdalena's Notebook (Alfred Masterwork Editions).

Exercises: Hanon, etc., Look these up on the internet: Cortot, Cramer-Bulow, Czerny, Dohnanyi, Hanon, Plaidy, or at: IMSLP (mostly free): http://imslp.org/wiki/Main_Page .

Fay, Amy, Music Study in Germany, see chapter XXIV, near end. Fine, Larry, The Piano Book, Brookside Press, 4th Ed., Nov. 2000. Fischer, J. C., Piano Tuning, Dover, N.Y., 1975. Gilmore, Don A., about The Self-Tuning Piano .

Grand Piano Diagrams, The Piano Deconstructed . Gutmann, Peter, in Classical Notes, Ludwig Van Beethoven Piano Sonata #23, Op.

57, "Appassionata". Howell, W. D., Professional Piano Tuning, New Era Printing Co., Conn. 1966.

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